Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tire Blowout

I experienced my first blow-out today.  It was scary, but once I realized what was happening; then I stopped the vehicle and checked it out.  It was in bad shape and I was only going 40-45 miles an hour.  I can't even imagine what it would have looked like if I had been on the hwy.  Praise the Lord that I was just on Coit and hadn't quite made it to the toll road yet. 

A man and his mom stopped and helped us.  Actually the man did all the work; I just stood there clueless......HA!  The lady and I visited while he put the spare on and waited for Les to get there from his work.  I wasn't far from Les at all; maybe 5 minutes away from his work.  By the time the spare was changed and the man was putting on the bolts; Les appeared......YAY!  He checked it all out; thanked the family and he followed me to his work.

Sadie was really tired and hot b/c it was past her naptime.  We had gone to lunch and Sprouts after our Bible Study this morning.  So, she for the most part cried during the changing of the tire.  Once we got them loaded into Les' car and we had switched stuff from my car to his car; I left with the kids and Sadie was OUT!  She's still in her bed snoozing and hopefully she'll wake up feeling better.

Thank you, Jesus for taking care of us today!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Go Les Go!

Les had to take his recertification tests today for his ASE (Automotive Service Excellence).  He took 4 tests and passed them all - yay!!!!!  :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Jury Summons

I got my 2nd jury summons in the mail a few days ago, but since it's for a Monday; then I was able to be exempt since I'm a stay at home mom.  I always love appearing for things like this (I know, call me crazy!)  HA!!  I guess because it's not something that I ever get to do, so the unknown in a fun challenge to me.  ;)

So, I'm dismissed and won't have to go, so, that's that!

First kid is up from his resting time (he doesn't take naps these days), but rests and gives me time to pay bills, answer e-mails that I might not have had a chance to get to yet, make phone calls that need to be made when it's quiet, etc. etc.

I hear the 2nd little gal up in her room now also.  I'll go get her and we'll go strong for another 4-5 hrs till bedtime.....HA!  Daddy gets off in a few hours, so he'll get to play with them tonight (unless he has to work late; which does happen on occasion).

Have a Jesus day!!!!

Outside Finger Painting

It's such a beautiful day today; I decided to pull out the fingerpaints!  The kids have never fingerpainted before, so it was so much fun!

Afterwards, I sprayed them with the water hoses to get them all cleaned.  I couldn't get them all cleaned with the water hose, so we came in and got the rest off with wipies.  :)

Here are the masterpieces (and my sweet babies too)!!!!!!

Afterwards - COVERED in paint!

Afterwards - COVERED in paint!

Having a ball!!!!!

Beginning of it before he realized he could paint himself....HA!

Sadie and her masterpiece!


We have 2 year molars coming in for Miss Sadie!  I spotted them yesterday when she wanted me to brush her teeth.  I was shocked when I saw the top 2 had already broke through the skin.  The 2 bottom molars have not come in yet, but it does look a little red and swollen back there.

Our sweet baby is growing up!

Here are just a few pictures that I have downloaded onto the computer - I'll get the others uploaded soon and post more pictures, so stay tuned!  :)

Carousel Fun!

A little blurry, but it was taken with the phone, so it's not the best quality to begin with.  They loved the carousel!!!!!!!

We woke up one morning and found Zachary asleep in the living room with the lights on. 
So funny!!!
Here is Sadie in front of my parents' wisteria plant, so cute!!!  She had a fever this day and couldn't go back to church that night; MIMI got the cutest picture!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

We're alive and doing well!!!

Once again, another month has passed and I haven't written anything.  Oh, I have thought about writing different blogs, but I just haven't taken the time to write any.  My bad!

We have been having a lot of fun!!

We celebrated Sadie's birthday, Zachary's birthday, Kodi's birthday, Jesus' Resurrection!, my brother's birthday, Les' mom's birthday!  We have had a LOT of birthdays!

Let's see, I went out of town for a weekend for a women's retreat, Les closed on his mom's house, hiked the public land up NorthEast of Bonham with the kids, we went on vacation with the kiddos to Fossil Rim ( drive through animal park ), Dinosaur Valley State Park, Cleburn State Park and even a garage sale thrown in there too.

We've been busy, but have had a lot of fun!!!

I'll post pictures later b/c I'm at my parents house waiting for AWANA tonight at church; then we'll be heading home.  :)  :)