Sunday, July 13, 2014


This morning at church the pastor re-asked a question that he presented last week in church.  We're visiting churches looking for one closer to us.  We're having fun meeting new people in our community; which is our driving goal of finding a new church.  We want to be able to enjoy serving our community.  Okay, off that rabbit chase.  The pastor basically said," what would your church be like if everyone was like?"  He the went on to say, what if they prayed like you? tithed like you? etc.

That one question really got me thinking.  I know that I need to continue to work on myself, but I can say that I am not the same person as I was before September 2012.  God got ahold of me and has forever changed my life.  It's very personal, so I won't post all of that yet, but God rocked my world, showed me things that needed to changed in my life, areas I needed to ask for forgiveness, people I needed to forgive who have hurt me and a few more things.  It was a very hard time, spiritually challenging time, and dealing with things of my past that I have just pushed down and not dealt with.  I am thankful for that time in my valley of Baca, I am thankful that my mom has cancer, I am thankful for so many things.  I just can't let bad things get me down because God is holding my right hand.  God has gone before me and He goes with me through all things that I will encounter in this life.  I know where I'll be when this life is over with, I know where my family will be when their final breath finds them.  I have HOPE, I have JOY, I have CONTENTMENT, I have LOVE, I have PEACE, I have JESUS CHRIST!

May you be encouraged that even in the midst of storms; God is there!  He's there in the good, bad, and the ugly times.  He loves you and will always be waiting for you to open that door to your heart.  Don't delay.........Jesus could come today!!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Crazy busy fun

We've been having a great summer so far.  The kids went on vacation with their Mimi, wee-wee, dayday, Caleb, Caitlyn and uncle wawee.  They all had a great time.  While they were away we (mainly Les and my dad) built a big fort that we named Fort Brown.  I love it and so honore to have it in my yard.  We had a great 4th of July.  Parade, festival, and lots of firework fun!  We went to Anna's and Celina's firework shows.  Great times!!!!