Monday, October 20, 2014


It's coming and we're so ready!!!

Les has accepted a new position with a different company.  He has been with his current employer for 17 yrs.  So, it's bittersweet, I'm sure for him to be starting this new chapter in his life. 

We made a list of things that he wanted in his new job and started praying over that; which was in July.  Then in August, a position opened up in the County that we live in.  He applied for that and was called for an interview.  6 weeks later, while on vacation, they called back for his 2nd interview.  Needless to say we were ecstatic.  However, we weren't going to be home for another week.  They did wait and he had his 2nd interview the following week.  They asked him to accept the position that afternoon after his interview that morning.  He had his physical and the rest is history.  I'm so proud of Les and his accomplishment.

Honey, love you and keep up the good work.  <3

Sunday, October 19, 2014

No more Sundays!!!

Today Les worked his last Sunday at Sears.  Les has this last week left and then he'll be starting his new job.  He's been with Sears for 17 yrs, so this is a huge change for him. We have prayed Gods will for the last 3 months and God opened a door for change. We're so excited for this change in our lives. Thank you, Lord for all that You have done and will continue to do in our lives.  Praise Him!!!

Monday, October 6, 2014

3rd week of school!

Today was the first day of public school around us.

We decided to have some fun today and do edible science; which was slime!  We also went to the library after school this morning.  Here are a few pics from our edible slime!!  Enjoy!!

7 years!

Today is our 7th year anniversary.......woo hoo!!!  Time has flown by so fast; really, it has!

The number 7 is completion, so we made it to that.  We are completed....LOL

We're now working on the 8th year of our marriage; which is new beginning.  We have a lot of new beginnings in our life right now. 
1. Les' new job
2. We paid off our house a few months ago; which was totally exciting!
3. We bought a new 4 wheeler, so now all 4 of us can go riding much more comfortably.
4. We think we have found the church for us to go to as a family, but we are wanting to try 1-2 more that we have heard about.  FBC VA is a great church with a lot going on right now.  They have a great kids program and areas for Les and I to get involved also. 
5. We started Zachary's Kinder year as a homeschooling family and Sadie is in PreK at home also.

Those are just a few "new" things for us over the last few months that are exciting in our lives.  We continue to pray that we would keep God in the center of our marriage b/c w/o that; it just wouldn't last.  We're happy and more in love than when we got married.  Our communication skills have gotten better.  I'm learning to hold my tongue; which is HARD, but I have to try to tame it.

The way we celebrated today was with crab legs outside with soup and asparagus.  Then we took the kids for dessert at Braum's to celebrate our love with some sweetness.  The kids loved it!

Here's to many more years!!!!!!!!!  I love you, Les and I'm glad that you and I are doing this life together.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Friday, October 3, 2014


My sweet Sadie was playing trains while I was getting ready this morning.  I came out of the bathroom to find this:

She pretty much cracks me up.  She said she had a bowl for her trains....hahahaha