Friday, April 28, 2017


I was so excited b/c this morning I realized that I had not signed up to try to win the cupcake Friday give away at a local bakery near me.  I went ahead and did it b/c I hadn't seen a winner yet, so about an hour later, I got a message that I had won!

I went to pick them up and my friend, Ashley, had been on my mind.  I decided to call her and see if she was home, and I would drop some off for her and her family.  She was home and the kids and I swung by.  My friend and I each had a cupcake.  We were able to just chill, hang out and visit while the kids played.  My friend shared with me that today was her mom's birthday (her mom passed away several years ago).  I'm so happy that God used me to be with my friend for a few hours to help her on this day. 

Listen to that still, small voice, you never know how God's going to use you to bless someone else's life.  I am blessed!!!

Happy Weekend!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Conflict Resolution Done Right

Les and I are doing a class at church called The Art of Marriage. Last night we were talking about conflicts. One thing that really stood out for me and I think applies to marriage and how we deal with others is, " The goal for conflict should be oneness." I have been continuing to think about this and how I can carry it out in everyday life.

Mark 12:30-31 NKJV
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”


This girl never seizes to amaze me.  I love seeing her model our behaviors, well, the good ones.  ;)  LOL

Recently, I had prayed that God would give me an opportunity to use my faith boldly and have someone to witness to.  You can read about my experience with the post before this one.

We were flying home from AZ this past Tuesday, and Sadie has been sick.  We sat down next to an older woman named, Mary.  Zachary had been talking to her about Legos, Minecraft, etc.  I asked her if she was from Texas and she went on to explain that she was on her way to visit her cousin in Texas b/c she had lost her husband in February.  Sadie pulled down her little face mask (she was running fever, coughing, and snotty) and asked Mary if she knew Jesus.  Mary said that she did and that she knew that her husband was with Jesus.  Mary said that she was very sad since her husband died.  Sadie said," can we pray with you?"  Mary talked a moment and then said," yes, she would like that."  I asked Sadie if she wanted to pray or if she wanted me to pray.  Sadie wanted to pray, so we bowed and Sadie had the sweetest prayer.  Mary ended up sitting right behind us on the plane and a few times Sadie would turn around through the crack in the seats and tell Mary "hi".  It was amazing, awesome, a blessing, etc to see my daughter, demonstrating what she has been learning.  I am so thankful to be homeschooling my kids.  I pray that they will continue acting out their faith and that they continue to reach others through the name of Jesus.

Proverbs 22:6 NIV
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. (Bible Gateway)

Friday, April 14, 2017

Divine Appointments

Do you think that they exist?  I do and I pray for them to happen too.  Just a week or so, I had been praying that the Lord would bring someone into my life that I could witness to.  I had somewhat forgot about that until I got home the other day, get this, spreading God's love to them. 

Here's the exciting story!!!!!
Okay, the kids and I had to run to Wal-Mart to get a few ingredients that I needed for this homemade, TO. DIE. FOR, fudge cake.  I was in my closet before we left trying to figure out which shirt to wear.  I decided, after passing it up several times, to wear a t-shirt that says," God's Love Never Fails".  I put it on and out the door we went.  We went through Wally World and got the stuff that we needed.  We were waiting in a check-out that seemed to be taking FOREVER!  However, we just stood there laughing between the 3 of us, talking about candy bars, etc.  This lady behind me told me that she liked my shirt.  I smiled and said," thank you."  I smiled at her a few more times and then she asked me if I would pray for her.  I put my hand on her back and told her I would, but then all of a sudden, words were falling out of my mouth.  I told her," after we both check-out, can I pray for you before we leave?"  She looked at me and said," yes."  I finished checking out and went to the side to wait for her.  I briefed the kids on what we were about to do and why the lady needed prayer.  Her granddaughter had just died of cancer and she was only 25 years old.  I can only imagine the pain that her and her family must be going through.  She told me that her son, the girls dad, was upset and mad at God because He allowed her to die.  I didn't have any words besides words of comfort.  I prayed for her and loved on her for a moment; then we both went our ways.  The kids and I talked about it all the way home; which was only 10 minutes, but I think it really made an impact on their lives.

Once I got home and thought more about it, I remembered that I had prayed for someone to witness to.  He answered my prayer and thankfully, I was obedient this time.  I had prayed that He would allow me to be bold enough to say something.  To God be the glory!

I am so excited that God, my CREATOR, answered my prayer and brought someone into my life.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Palm Sunday

This is one of the most important Sunday's that we have, as Christians.  This week represents our Lord & Savior's last week before He paid the ultimate price for my (and yours too!) salvation.  Today was the day that Jesus rode into the city on a donkey and the crowds were praising Him and laying down palm leaves for him to cross over.  Then it all changed this week, Jesus went from being praised by the people to the people yelling," Crucify Him!, Crucify Him!"

I'm going to be intentional this week with my kiddos as we study the Bible and what the Bible says about Jesus, the week before He hung on the cross for us, His death, and Resurrection Sunday!!!

Hosanna!  Amen!