Monday, April 21, 2014


Zachary has always been very comfortable when talking about Heaven.  However, lately, it seems as though he talks about us being in Heaven more and more.  I just put on facebook something he said yesterday on our way to church.  He said," I think that we'll be in Heaven by the time the road to Mimi's is finished."  He also will ask me frequently when will Jesus call us home (Heaven).  I always tell him that we don't know the hour when Jesus will call us home or when Jesus will come back for us.

He's a pretty deep thinker and I love that his thoughts are on Heaven, Jesus, God, etc. a lot of the time.  This is part of education part that I wouldn't trade one single bit.  I want Zachary and Sadie to have a very strong background in their faith, our morals, and values.  Sometimes I can't explain everything to Zachary, but the fact that he wants to learn about it.....that's the awesome thing!  I know that God will give me what I need when I need it; I am getting so excited about K this upcoming Fall. 

Here are a few pictures of us from our walk today at a park near our house.  Enjoy!!!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Louisiana Trip!

We got back last Thursday from a whirlwind trip to see my uncle down in Covington.  We had an absolute wonderful time, exhausting, but wonderful!!!

The kids didn't want to fish and I started fishing off of the dock.  After I had caught a few fish; then they were both VERY quick to get off the boat and come fish with me....HA!  They both caught fish and loved it.  I was pretty proud since fishing is one of my favorite things to do. 

We were on the boat (54 ft Cruiser) a lot, playing, eating, sleeping, cruising, etc.  The kids enjoyed it immensely!  I'm pretty sure that my uncle did too.  He had a lot of hugs from the kiddos and quite a few good belly laughs at their antics.  They were so good though and very proud of how they acted the entire time.  My uncle said that they could come down anytime they wanted because they were so well behaved.  Points for mommy and daddy!!!  :)

On our way down we went to eat at Randol's in Lafayette........LOVED IT!  My mom and I had been there many times before and we were telling the kiddos about how you can dance to Cajun music and that the food is awesome.  Zachary and Sadie really enjoyed all the dancing and they were really kicking up their heels!  HA!  Zachary really enjoyed his shrimp and Sadie enjoyed her catfish.  My mom and I enjoyed our food too!!!  YUMMY!!!!!!

On the way home, we stayed in Shreveport and found a hotel that had a pool.  They were so well-behaved (have I said that yet....LOL) and we wanted to reward them.  They loved the pool and once I got used to the cold water; I enjoyed it too!  The next day we got up and I wanted to show my mom our stompin' grounds during deer season.  So, we came through Marshall, Caddo Lake, Jefferson, etc.  We got to see our friends at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Refuge - we surprised them with a visit!!  Then we came on home and it was GREAT sleeping in my own bed that night.  :)

All in all, it was a great trip and can't wait to get down there again!!!!!!!!!!

7 (6) weeks left!!!

We're almost done with our 1st year of homeschooling - PreK.  Woo Hoo!!!!!!  We have 6 weeks of schooling left, but there is a week of vacation thrown in there too, so 7 weeks till we're out for the "summer".  However, we're going to still be working on stuff during the summer to keep the noggin' from forgetting much.  I have a K book that we're going to be working through, so we'll start that after a few weeks after ending PreK.  Zachary did absolutely awesome this past school year.  He loves school and I love that for him too!

For K, we're going to be doing My Father's World - I'm so excited.  It's a Christian based curriculum that is very hands on for the kiddos.  Also, a portion of the money goes to support missionaries and Bible translating.  I think we'll have an awesome year next year!

Cheers to 6 weeks left of our 1st school year - Go Zachary!!!!!!!!!!